Gives Amy Butterflies EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!
She shows anyone close enough the hairs sticking up on her arms )
This Small Family Business, BIGBADBOX would merely be a DREAM, but thanks to our Customers, It's a REALITY.
When our customers reply after seeing their finished product...
Yes, We toot our own horn EVERY chance we get.
We NEED to stay Active online for YOU to see us.
We NEED new customers to know we LOVE our customers.
We NEED our Customers to know we stand by our products.
We NEED to continue to Shop Local & Support Small Businesses within our own.
...These are just a few of the Beautiful replies we recieve. Can you see yours?!
#bigbadboxes #customcreations #personalisedpackages #giftbox #giftboxdelivery #giftinghamperspenrith #hampers #reviews #thankyou #butterflies #smallbusinessstrategy
#smallbusinesscheck #smallfamilybiz #bigbadbox #giftinghamperpenrith #penrithhampers #smallbusinesswomen #smallbusinesscheck #socialmedialove #realreviews #testimonials #smallbusinesslove #womeninbusiness